Avon conducted a very successful seminar and a workshop on Molecular Biology techniques in Eastern University during 8th and 9th December. The event was a collaborative effort of Avon and Faculty of Science, Eastern University. Participants from departments of Zoology, Botany and Health Sciences, from the office of Provincial Director of Health Services, Department of Agriculture etc…. attended the event.

The event included a series of lectures on PCR techniques and laboratory practices followed by hands on training. The event was conducted by Prof Nobel Surendren, Dr. Eshwaramohan and Dr Gajapathy of Jaffna University of Sri Lanka. The main objectives of this event were;
- To provider basic theoretical backgrounds on molecular biology and further understand PCR and other related molecular techniques as applied to the diagnosis of infectious diseases.
- To provide hands on training in basic molecular techniques (Extraction, PCR amplification, Gel loading and Visualizing)
The seminar and the workshop were held in the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, and the organizing committee included Dr (Mrs) M. Vinobaba, the Dean, Faculty of Science, Prof. P.Vinobaba and Mr J.M. Harris from the Faculty of Science, Mr Thanamjayan and Mr Pumindu Herath from Avon Pharmo Chem (Pvt) Ltd. And also Mr. Dilip K Fernando, GM and Mr Hasun Sampath Wickramasinghe, Sales Manager Avon were also present at the event. Details of Workshop Practical and demonstration and hands on training in the following molecular biology techniques. Techniques –
- DNA extraction from Plant, Animal and Human blood cells Quality check and quantification of DNA
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR),
- Gel electrophoresis: Horizontal electrophoresis. (Demonstrations)
- DNA Visualising
- Introduction to molecular Biology
- The Genome
- The cells (prokaryotic and Eukaryotic)
- The General Structure of DNA and RNA
- DNA Replication
- Translation and Transcription
- Genetic Mutation
- Important of Molecular Biology in modern Research
- Application of molecular biology
- Diseases Diagnostic In Plant, Animal and Healthcare
- Cancer Discovery
- Transgenic Animals and Plants
- Molecular Techniques
- DNA and RNA Extraction
- DNA and RNA Purifications
- PCR Amplication
- Horizontal and Vertical Electrophories
- DNA visualising
- Blotting Techniques
- Cloning
- DNA Fingerprinting
- DNA Sequencing
- DNA Recombination Techniques
- Elements of medical genetics
- Real time PCR & PCR, DNA sequencing
- High throughput screening for detection of mutations.