A team from Avon pharma chem in collaboration with the Technical Officers Welfare Society of University of Peradeniya, conducted a special seminar on “the Laboratory Technologies & Basics of Nanotechnology”at Agriculture Biotechnology center, University of Peradeniya on 14th May 2017.
Prof. Gamini Pushpakumara, Dean Faculty of Agriculture, Mr. E.A.R.M.Edirisinghe Bursar, University of Peradeniya, Mr. U.D.Dodanwela, Registrar of University of Peradeniya and Dr. Pradeepa Bandaranayake, Director, Agricultural Biotechnology Center were present at the event as special guests.

Around 120 technical officers from the University of Peradenya, Mahaweli Authority, Seetha Eliya, Bandarawela, and Makandura research centers participated this one day event.
Resource person Mr. Benjnamin Wong from Hettich Lab Technology speaking on topic “Is your incubator safe to use?” shared his views on safety features of modern day laboratory incubators and the patented technologies used in Hettich incubators. He also talked about how we can choose the best incubator for our laboratories by looking at the various specifications of these instruments.

During the second session Dr. Buddhika Dissanayake from the Department of Physics, Faculty of science, University of Peradeniya discussed the latest developments with regards to the Nanotechnology under the topic “Basics of Nanotechnology”.

Mr. Dilip Fernando, General Manager, APC speaking under the topic ”Role of science communication in today’s society” expressed his views on how we can use science communication in an effective manner to counter the threat of pseudosciences and unscientific ideologies in modern day society.

K. Thilina Rajeendre, Product Executive from Avon discussed the importance of latest laboratory imaging technologies during his speech on “‘Optical microscopy and imaging techniques”.

During the live discussions the guests and participants shared views on the importance of the continuous education and training of technical and academic staffs of the university and appreciated the funds and resources of Avon for such a valuable task.