ProCon Asia 2015 life science conference in Colombo – Press Release
The Promega Conference of its Asia Pacific channel partners were gathered in Colombo last May 2015. Promega’s Asia Pacific region consists of 17 countries and each year, Promega representatives in the region get together in sharing unique cultural values and developments in life sciences. Promega scientists and experts meanwhile share the latest technological innovations and the importance on all the developments.
This year, 45 numbers of representatives from 16 countries including USA joined to share the latest developments in the life science research. The event was facilitated by the Promega agent for Sri Lanka, Avon Pharmo Chem (Pvt) Ltd. Explaining the event, Mr Dilip K Fernando, GM, Avon Pharmo Chem (Pvt) Ltd, said that this was the first of this kind in life science sector in the country. “Promega has been the most favorite life science research reagents supplier for the genomics scientists in Sri Lanka and this message would be a great pleasure to our scientists”, he added.
The main topics of the conference discussed were Genetic identity (Human identification), Cell health research (Drug discovery workflow), Biologics developments (drug discovery), Nucleic acid purification technologies (DNA RNA and genomics applications). All these technologies are being used by Sri Lankan life science research community in Sri Lanka.
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