On the 12th and 13th of December 2017, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka in collaboration with Avon Pharmo Chem Pvt Ltd organized a two day work shop entitled “Laboratory Safety Practices and Management and Basic Molecular Biology Techniques” at the Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Saliyapura, Anuradhapura.

The purpose of this workshop was to provide a basic theoretical and practical experience on laboratory management and molecular biology and further understanding of safety practices and other related techniques in molecular biology to technical officers and laboratory support staff of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. The 50 workshop participants represented the Faculty of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Faculty of Agriculture of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.

During the workshop, the participants were given a descriptive insight on safe handling/use of laboratory chemicals, glassware and consumables and safety management , key factors and operation of Laboratory equipment (autoclave, fume hood, bio safety cabinet, PCR hood, Laminar flow, centrifuge, incubators, freezers, micropipette) through lectures and hands-on training. In addition the participants were given a thorough understanding of the safe laboratory practices. Further they were introduced to basic molecular biology techniques which included a hands-on training on Polymerase Chain reaction which included DNA extraction, PCR amplification, Horizontal electrophoresis and DNA visualization

Mr. Pattiyage Kelum Danushka Peiris, former lecturer Department of Chemistry, OUSl, Mr. Sirithilak Gamage, Chief Staff Technical Officer, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Mr. H.M. Pumindu Herath, Product Manager-Life Sciences, Avon PharmoChem (Pvt)Ltd, Mr. Bhathiya Amaradasa, product Manager – General Equipment, Avon PharmoChem (Pvt) Ltd and Mr. Tarindu, Product executive, Avon Pharmo Chem (Pvt) Ltd participated the event as resource persons.